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125-01 125-03  


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124-01 124-03  


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123-01 123-03  


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122-01 122-03  


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121-01 121-03  


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120-01 120-03  


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119-01 119-03  


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118-01 118-03  

THE HOURS  ~2160

The hour was originally defined in ancient civilizations (including those of Egypt, Sumer, India, and China) as either one twelfth of the time between sunrise and sunset or one twenty-fourth of a full day. In either case the division reflected the widespread use of a duodecimal numbering system. The importance of 12 has been attributed to the number of lunar cycles in a year, and also to the fact that humans have 12 finger bones (phalanges) on one hand (3 on each of 4 fingers). (It is possible to count to 12 with your thumb touching each finger bone in turn.) There is also a widespread tendency to make analogies among sets of data (12 months, 12 zodiacal signs, 12 hours, a dozen).

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117-01 117-03  


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116-01 116-03  


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115-01 115-03  


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114-01 114-03  


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113-01 113-03  


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112-01 112-03  


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111-01 111-03  


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110-01 110-03  


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109-01 109-03  


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108-01 108-02 108-03  


Gilgamesh, known as Bilgame in the earliest text, was the fifth king of Uruk (Early Dynastic II, first dynasty of Uruk), ruling circa 2700 BC, according to the Sumerian king list. Gilgamesh is the central character in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the greatest surviving work of early Mesopotamian literature . In the epic his father was Lugalbanda and his mother was Ninsun (whom some call Rimat Ninsun), a goddess. Gilgamesh is described as two parts god and one part man.

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107-01 107-03  


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106-01 106-03  


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